Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Matisse in Minneapolis

As I've mentioned before, this blog is an outgrowth of my hobby of wandering around the Web looking at the collections of art museums. One of my favorite areas to visit at a museum's site is the recent acquisitions page. Tonight I discovered Henri Matisse's Les Pensées de Pascal, a recent gift to the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

I don't have too much to write about this painting other than to say I'm envious of art lovers in Minneapolis. This is not a monumental painting in Matisse's career, but I would be happy if it turned up on the walls of a museum here in the Boston area.

The painting has many familiar elements from Matisse's works of the 1920s: the vase of flowers, the curtains, the view through the window, the tropical landscape. And take a look at that diagonal, purple line. It punctuates the scene and gives the painting a sweet vitality.

The painting was donated by Ruth and Bruce Dayton.

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